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Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
31CarteALBC1.1aAlbert cel MareOpera omnia (Super Porphyrium de v universalibus)da
32CarteCLA7.1Clark, Gillian; Rajak, Tessa (eds.)Philosophy and power in the Graeco-Roman world : essays in honour of Miriam Griffinda
34CarteARI1.69.1AristotleProblems (Vol. I, Books 1-19)nu
35CarteARI1.69.2AristotleProblems (Vol. II, Books 20-38), Rhetoric to Alexandernu
36CarteMEI2.1Meier, Christel; Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina (eds.)Prophetie und Autorschaft : Charisma, Heilsversprechen und Gefährdungda
37CarteTOU3.1Toubert, Pierre; Moret, PierreRemploi, citation, plagiat : conduites et pratiques médiévales (Xe - XIIe siècle)da
38CarteMAR24.1Markus, R. ASigns and meanings : world and text in ancient Christianityda
39CarteBRA5.1Brann, Noel L.The debate over the origin of genius during the Italian renaissance nu
40CartePEA1.1Peacock, JohnThe Look of Van Dyck : the Self-Portrait with a Sunflower and the Vision of the Painterda